XSL is a language used for creating stylesheets for XML documents. XSL consists of languages for transforming XML documents (XPath and XSLT) and an XML vocabulary for specifying …
XSD is a language used to describe the structure of an XML document. XSD is used to define classes that are in turn used to create instances of XML documents which conform to …
XPointer is a language that supports addressing into the internal structures of XML documents. XPointer allows the traversals of an XML document tree and selection of its internal parts based on element types, attribute values, character content, and relative position. XPointer is based on …
XPath is a language that uses path expressions to specify the locations of structures and data within an XML document. XPath information is processed using XSLT …
XML Web services are Web-based .NET applications that provide services (i.e., data and functionality) to other Web-based applications (i.e. Web service consumers). XML Web services are accessed via standard Web protocols and data formats such as HTTP, XML, …
XML Schema is a description of the structure of an XML document. XML Schemas are written in XSD and support namespaces and …
XML is a meta-markup language that provides a format for describing almost any type of structured data. XML is a subset of SGML and has become the standard language for storing, viewing, and manipulation Web-based data. XML allows the creation of custom tags to describe both proprietary data and …
Xlink is a language that allows links to other resources to be embedded in XML documents, similar to the hyperlinks found in HTML …
XHTML is the next generation of HTML. HTML was originally designed to display data, XML was specifically designed to describe data. XHTML is a combination of all the elements in HTML 4.01 with the syntax of XML. Although nearly identical to HTML, XHTML has much stricter rules and is cleaner in its syntax, thus resulting in well-formed Web …
WSDL is an XML-based contract language for describing the network services offered by a Web service provider via UDDI. WSDL describes a Web service to Web service consumers by its public methods, data types of all parameters, return value, …