ASP.NET automatically provides all the information the client needs about what web service’s methods are available and what parameters they require. This is provided by the XML-based standard named WSDL. Because WSDL, does not describe web service’s purpose or the meaning of the information supplied to and returned from each method you should prepare a separate …
How to use Visual Studio to build a web service with ASP.NET in VB.NET
You can use Visual Studio to build a web service and in this case you will not go through the process described in the articles How to build basic web service with ASP.NET in VB.NET – step 1 , How to build basic web service with ASP.NET – step 2, and How to build basic web service with …
How to build basic web service with ASP.NET in VB.NET- step 3
You can use the article How to build basic web service with ASP.NET – step 2 to verify that the class developed by you is ready for the Web. You will learn from this article how to convert it to a web service. In this case the BookService class described in the article How to build …
How to build basic web service with ASP.NET in VB.NET – step 1
Each web service begins as a stateless class with one or more methods that the remote clients call to invoke your code.
BookService is designed to allow remote clients to retrieve information about books provided by the store. The class provides GetBooks() method that returns a DataSet with the full set of books information. It …
Two articles How postback events work in ASP.NET and How to handle web control events with AutoPostBack in ASP.NET provide important information about how web control events work in ASP.NET world, but you need to have a strong understating of the page life cycle too. For example when a user changes a control that has the …
How to use calculated columns with the ADO.NET DataView in VB.NET
Calculated columns are used when you want to represent a value that’s computed using a combination of existing values. You can create a calculated column, by following the next steps:
1. Create DataColumn object by specifying its name and type.
2. Set …
How to filter data based on relationships with the ADO.NET DataView in VB.NET
The article How to filter data with the ADO.NET DataView in VB.NET does not cover one of little-known features of the DataView to filter data rows based on relationships. For example, you need to display categories that contain more than five products, or you need to display customers who have bought more than 5 bank products. …
If in your project you want to include only certain rows in the display you can use a DataView to apply custom filtering. To accomplish this, you should use the RowFilter property which acts like a WHERE clause in a SQL query. You can limit the final results by using it and by applying logical operators, …
If in your project you need to sort data by using ADO.NET DataView you can use the next example as a basic. The example uses a page with three GridView controls. When the page loads, it binds the same DataTable to each of the grids. However, it uses three different views, each of which sorts the …
There is a threat for file access named path canonicalization. Canonicalization is a process for converting data in standard (or canonical) form and it refers to the action that builds a path in a safe form. The next picture shows this process:
Path canonicalization in action. If an attacker passes special characters, such as .. or …