sql server

How to save a table in in Table Designer in SQL server

When developers working with SQL Server “Denali”, MS SQL Server 2008 R2 and MS SQL Server 2005 want to save a table, they should follow the next steps:

1. Click anywhere in the Table Designer.

2. From the File menu, choose Save tablename.

3. In the Save dialog box, …

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How to open an existing table in Table Designer in SQL server

The Table Designer is a visual tool that allows developers to design and visualize database tables to which they are connected. Developers use Table Designer to create, edit, or delete tables, columns, keys, indexes, relationships, and constraints. When developers working with SQL Server “Denali”, MS SQL Server 2008 R2 and MS SQL Server 2005 want to …

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How to remove a table from a database diagram in SQL server

Developers can remove a table from their database diagram. When Developers working with SQL Server “Denali”, MS SQL Server 2008 R2 and MS SQL Server 2005 want to remove a table from a database diagram, they should follow the next steps:

1. In their database diagram, select the table they want to remove.

2. Right-click the …

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How to discard changes made to diagrams in SQL server

When Developers working with SQL Server “Denali”, MS SQL Server 2008 R2 and MS SQL Server 2005 want to discard changes made to diagrams, they should follow the next steps:

1. Close their database diagram or table design window.

2. A message prompts them to save their changes. They should …

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How to rename a database diagram in SQL server Object Explorer

When Developers working with SQL Server “Denali”, MS SQL Server 2008 R2 and MS SQL Server 2005 want to rename a database diagram, they should follow the next steps:

1. In Object Explorer, expand the Database Diagrams folder.

2. Right-click the database diagram that they want to rename.

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How to execute a query in SQL server

When developers working with SQL Server “Denali”, MS SQL Server 2008 R2 and MS SQL Server 2005 want to execute a query, they should follow the next steps:

1. Open or create the query they want to run.

2. Right-click anywhere in the query window, and …

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How to delete a unique constraint from GUI in SQL server

Developers delete a unique constraint when they want to remove the requirement for uniqueness for values entered in the column or combination of columns included in the constraint expression. In this case they should follow the next steps:

1. In Object Explorer, right-click the table with the unique constraint, and click Design (Modify …

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How to create full-text indexes in SQL server

Developers create full-text indexes when they want to make full-text searches on text-based columns in their database tables. A full-text index is based on a regular index, so they should create that first. The regular index must be created on a single, non-null column, and it is best to choose a column with small values rather …

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