The native URL authorization module shipping with IIS 7.x, does not understand ASP.NET-specific role information, because this information is only encapsulated into managed objects implementing managed interfaces. On the other hand, running IIS 7.x in ASP.NET integrated mode provides a unified HTTP processing pipeline where managed and native modules are processed within the same HTTP module …
iis 7
IIS 7.x natively supports the same URL-based authorization mechanisms as ASP.NET does. You can configure URL-based authorization in the <authorization> configuration option as a part of the <system.webServer> section of the web.config configuration file, because IIS 7.x ships with its own UrlAuthorizationModule. On the other hand you can also configure web application hosted in IIS 7.x …
1. Clich on Start Menu, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
2. Click on Application Pools, and locate the application pool for your web site.
3. Right click on the application pool and click on Basic Settings.
4. Change the ASP.NET version from the drop down menu under .NET …