
How to check if a session is created for the current request in ASP.NET

Software developer can use System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState member IsNewSession which identifies whether this session was just created for the current request. If currently no information is in session state, ASP.NET will not make an effort to track the session or create a session cookie. Instead, the session will be re-created with …

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How to cancel the current session in ASP.NET

Software developer can use System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState member Abandon() which cancels the current session immediately and release all the memory it occupied. This technique is a useful in a logoff page to ensure that server memory is recovered as quickly …

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CheckBox class properties and its descriptions

Web developers use the CheckBox control to allow the end users to select a true or false state. If web application developed needs multiple CheckBox controls, the developer has to use CheckBoxList as alternative control which provides data binding capabilities.

Namespace: System.Web.UI.WebControls
Assembly: System.Web (in System.Web.dll)

Supported in .NET version

This property returns or sets the access key that allows …

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Button class properties and its descriptions

Web developers can use the Button control to create a push button on the Web page. They can create a Submit or a Command button.

By default, a Button control is a Submit button i.e. does not have a command name specified by the CommandName property and associated with the button. This kind of button simply posts the Web …

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TextBox class properties and its descriptions

The TextBox server control is used when end user has to enter text. Web developers can determine how server control is displayed using TextBoxMode property. By default, the TextMode of the control is set to TextBoxMode.SingleLine, which displays a single-line text box. Alternatives are TextBoxMode.MultiLine to display a multiline textbox or TextBoxMode.Password to use a text box that …

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How to use session state in ASP.NET using VB.NET

Software developer can interact with session state using the  System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState class, which is provided in an ASP.NET web page as the built-in Session object. Items can be added to the collection and retrieved after in the same manner as items can be added to a page’s view state:

For example, software developer might store a …

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