
How to optimize Ajax partial rendering

Note: Please read first one of the articles How to use Ajax partial rendering in VB.NET and How to use Ajax partial rendering in C#

The traffic between the client and server when UpdatePanel is used can be optimized and the server will send HTML to the client for only the first drop-down list. By default, the ASP.NET …

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How to use Ajax partial rendering in VB.NET

Let start with a classical example – Web developer works under application which has a Web page with two drop-down lists. The first one contains all the cities in the country, and the second one contains the bank branches locations in the selected city. Web developer needs to populate the second drop-down list with the correct locations each …

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How to use Ajax partial rendering in C#

Let start with a classical example – Web developer works under application which has a Web page with two drop-down lists. The first one contains all the cities in the country, and the second one contains the bank branches locations in the selected city. Web developer needs to populate the second drop-down list with the correct locations each …

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How AJAX works

Ajax is a client pattern and for that reason it is powered by JavaScript. Unfortunately, JavaScript can’t exchange information with the server and can only post the page to it. This limitation can be overcome by using the XMLHTTP component of Ajax. XMLHTTP enables invoking the server asynchronously without posting the page and it also enables executing arbitrary …

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How AJAX improves usability

Ajax is a pattern that combines JavaScript and XMLHTTP components to invoke the server asynchronously without causing a reload of the page. Before this technology, web applications had the following flow:
-The user requests a page
-The server replies with HTML interpreted by the browser
-The user performs an action on the page
-The page is posted back to the server.
-The …

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How to read XML file in VB.NET

Suppose that the user has to read the XML file he/she already generated. The application should provide functionality to extract all vendors from Canada, and after that the user has to process them in alphabetic order.


Web developer has to follow these steps:

   1.Create the XDocument using the XML.
   2.Navigate the XElement elements to reach the Vendor ones.
   3.Take the XElement instances …

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How to read XML file in C#

Suppose that the user has to read the XML file he/she already generated. The application should provide functionality to extract all vendors from Canada, and after that the user has to process them in alphabetic order.


Web developer has to follow these steps:
   1.Create the XDocument using the XML.
   2.Navigate the XElement elements to reach the Vendor ones.
   3.Take the XElement instances …

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How to generate XML from data source in VB.NET

Let’s Web developer has to develop a page where the user submits a file containing the ISBN of all the books he/she needs information about. The user has to retrieve these books and create an XML file with the book title, author and price.

Web developer can use a LINQ query to pass child elements and nest data, by …

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How to generate XML from data source in C#

Let’s Web developer has to develop a page where the user submits a file containing the ISBN of all the books he/she needs information about. The user has to retrieve these books and create an XML file with the book title, author and price.

Web developer can use a LINQ query to pass child elements and nest data, by …

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How to create an XML file by using LINQ to XML in VB.NET

In .NET Framework 4.0 the System.Xml APIs are obsolete and are maintained for compatibility reasons only.  Web developers can create XML file by using LINQ to XML. The next picture presents classes in LINQ to XML.

The classes in LINQ to XML


These classes are included in System.Xml.Linq namespace and the following ones are the most …

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