
How to create a Forms Authentication logout page in ASP.NET in VB.NET

You can create a Forms Authentication logout page by creating a logout button and calling the FormsAuthentication.SignOut() method, as shown here:

Protected Sub SignOutAction_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)



End Sub

When you call the SignOut() method, you remove the authentication cookie. Depending on the application, you can redirect …

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How to create a Forms Authentication logout page in ASP.NET in C#

You can create a Forms Authentication logout page by creating a logout button and calling the FormsAuthentication.SignOut() method, as shown here:

protected void SignOutAction_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)





When you call the SignOut() method, you remove the authentication cookie. Depending on the application, you can redirect the user to another page when the user logs …

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How to create a Forms Authentication custom login page in ASP.NET in VB.NET

When you want to implement Forms Authentication in your web application you have to create a custom login page. This page collects user name and password from the user and validates them against the credentials stored in the credential store. You can store credentials in web.config as described in the article How to use web.config as …

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How to create a Forms Authentication custom login page in ASP.NET in C#

When you want to implement Forms Authentication in your web application you have to create a custom login page. This page collects user name and password from the user and validates them against the credentials stored in the credential store. You can store credentials in web.config as described in the article How to use web.config as …

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How to restrict access to Anonymous Users with Forms Authentication in ASP.NET

From practical point of view, you do not need to restrict access to pages in order to use authentication. In this article will be demonstrated the redirection functionality of forms authentication. This functionality forces ASP.NET to redirect anonymous users to the login page. You can use the simple technique of denying access to all unauthenticated users. …

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How to configure Forms Authentication in ASP.NET

You can configure forms authentication in your web.config file. Every web.config file includes the <authentication /> configuration section and you have to configure this section with the values Forms:

<authentication mode=”Forms”>

<!– Detailed configuration options –>


The <authentication /> configuration is limited to the top-level web.config file of your application. If the mode attribute …

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Forms authentication classes in ASP.NET

The FormsAuthenticationModule is the most important part of the forms authentication framework. The module is an HttpModule class that detects existing forms authentication tickets in the request. If the ticket is not available and the user requests a protected resource, it automatically redirects the request to the login page configured in your web.config file before this …

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How does Forms authentication work in ASP.NET

Forms authentication is a ticket-based or token-based system. When users log in, they receive a ticket with basic user information. This information is stored in an encrypted cookie that’s attached to the response so it’s automatically submitted on each subsequent request.

When a user requests an ASP.NET page that is not available for anonymous users, …

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