
How do Windows certificate stores work

Windows supports several types of certificate stores that are called store locations. You can create a separate store for each Windows service of a machine, and every user has a separate certificate store. Certificates are kept securely in those stores. The local machine store is encrypted with a key managed by the local security authority of …

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How to read X509 certificates in VB.NET

X509 certificates play an important role in the world of the Web, because they establish SSL communication and perform certificate authentication to secure traffic between the web server and its clients. Our site provides more details in the articles How does Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology work, How do certificates work and How does …

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How to read X509 certificates in C#

X509 certificates play an important role in the world of the Web, because they establish SSL communication and perform certificate authentication to secure traffic between the web server and its clients. Our site provides more details in the articles How does Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology work,  How do certificates work and  How does SSL work …

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The .NET Cryptography Namespace

You can find the necessary classes for encrypting and decrypting information in your application in the System.Secuirty. Cryptography namespace. In this namespace you can find also all the fundamental classes for creating different types of hashes. If you reference the additional assembly System.Security.dll, you have access to even more advanced security functionality such as an API for modifying …

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How to use Authorization with ASP.NET Roles in IIS 7.x

The native URL authorization module shipping with IIS 7.x, does not understand ASP.NET-specific role information, because this information is only encapsulated into managed objects implementing managed interfaces.   On the other hand, running IIS 7.x in ASP.NET integrated mode provides a unified HTTP processing pipeline where managed and native modules are processed within the same HTTP module …

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Authorization and Roles in IIS 7.x

IIS 7.x natively supports the same URL-based authorization mechanisms as ASP.NET does. You can configure URL-based authorization in the <authorization> configuration option as a part of the <system.webServer> section of the web.config configuration file, because IIS 7.x ships with its own UrlAuthorizationModule. On the other hand you can also configure web application hosted in IIS 7.x …

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How to use the Roles API with Windows authentication in ASP.NET in VB.NET

The roles API  ships a provider that integrates with Windows roles for Windows authentication: the WindowsTokenRoleProvider. This provider retrieves the Windows group membership information for the currently logged-on user and provides it for your application. When using the WindowsTokenRoleProvider, you have to configure your application using Windows authentication and then configure the WindowsTokenRoleProvider as follows:



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How to use the Roles API with Windows authentication in ASP.NET in C#

The roles API  ships a provider that integrates with Windows roles for Windows authentication: the WindowsTokenRoleProvider. This provider retrieves the Windows group membership information for the currently logged-on user and provides it for your application. When using the WindowsTokenRoleProvider, you have to configure your application using Windows authentication and then configure the WindowsTokenRoleProvider as follows:



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How to access Roles programmatically for Role-Based authorization in ASP.NET

You can programmatically add new roles, read role information, and delete roles from your application. In addition, you can associate users with roles as well as get users associated with a specific role. You can do all this by calling methods of the Roles class.

Most of the properties included in the Roles class just map to the settings …

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How to use the LoginView Control with Roles in ASP.NET

You can use the LoginView control to display different controls for anonymous and logged-in users by using templates <AnonymousTemplate> and <LoggedInTemplate> which implement this functionality. You can find more information from the article How to use ASP.NET membership LoginView control.

The control supports one additional template that enables you to create different views based on …

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