In many cases, the Where clause is the most important part of the Select statement. Web developer can find
records that match several conditions using the And keyword, and he/she can find records that match any
one of a series of conditions using the Or keyword. Web developer can also specify greater-than and less-than
comparisons by using the greater-than (>) and less-than (<) operators. The following is an example with a different table and a more sophisticated Where statement:
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE ord_date < ‘2011/01/01’ AND ord_date > ‘2009/01/01’
This example uses the international date format to compare date values. Although SQL Server supports many date formats, yyyy/mm/dd is recommended to prevent ambiguity.
If Web developer is using Microsoft Access, he/she would need to use the U.S. date format, mm/dd/yyyy, and replace the apostrophes around the date with the number (#) symbol.