Event Description
PageIndexChanging, PageIndexChanged Both events arise when one of the pager buttons is clicked. They fire before and after the grid control handles the paging operation.
RowCancelingEdit The event arises when the Cancel button of a row in edit mode is clicked, but before the row exits edit mode.
RowCommand Arises when a button is clicked.
RowCreated Arises when a row is created.
RowDataBound Arises when a data row is bound to data.
RowDeleting, RowDeleted

Both events arise when a row’s Delete button is clicked. They fire before and after the grid control deletes the row.

Arises when a row’s Edit button is clicked but before the control enters edit mode.
RowUpdating, RowUpdated

Both events arise when a row’s Update button is clicked. They fire before and after the grid control updates the row.
SelectedIndexChanging, SelectedIndexChanged Both events arise when a row’s Select button is clicked. The two events occur before and after the grid control handles the select operation.
Sorting, Sorted

Both events arise when the hyperlink to sort a column is clicked. They fire before and after the grid control handles the sort operation.