Selectors |
* {} |
selects all elements |
p {} |
selects all <p> elements |
*.c {} |
selects all elements where |
p.c {} |
selects all <p> elements where |
#main {} |
selects one element where id =”main” |
a:link {} |
selects all unvisited links |
a:visited{} |
selects all visited links |
a:hover {} |
selects all links being hovered over |
a:active {} |
selects the current link being activated |
a:focus {} |
selects all links that have the focus |
p:first-letter {} |
selects first letter of all <p> elements |
p:first-line {} |
selects first line of all <p> elements |
p:first-child {} |
selects first child of all <p> elements |
#n *.c :first-line {} |
descendant selector example |
#n > *.c > :first-line {} |
child selector example |
#n + *.c + :first-line {} |
sibling selector example |
#n , *.c , :first-line {} |
applies independent selectors to same block of properties |
*[title] {} |
selects all elements with a title attribute. |
*[title~=”WORD”] {} |
selects all where title attribute contains “WORD”. |
selects all with exact attribute match. |