When your Web project is based on Windows authentication it does not require a login page. When end user requests a Web page that requires authentication, his browser transmits the credential to IIS and your application than retrieves information from the User property of the web page. You can use the next subroutine to display the …
ASP.NET Security Tutorials
How to deny anonymous users access as a step of Windows Authentication in ASP.NET
When you want to deny access to all unauthenticated users you have to use the <authorization> element of the web.config file to add a new authorization rule, as follows:
<!– Other settings omitted. –>
<deny users=”?” />
The question mark (?) is a wildcard character …
How to configure ASP.NET as a step of Windows Authentication
Once you have followed the approach described in the article How to configure IIS 7.x as a step of Windows Authentication in ASP.NET, the authentication process happens automatically. In case if you are using the Visual Studio test web server and you want to access the identity information for the authenticated user in your ASP.NET application, …
How to configure IIS 7.x as a step of Windows Authentication in ASP.NET
You can implement Windows authentication through a module in the HTTP modules pipeline in IIS 7.x environment. This pipeline is a mixture of native modules shipping with IIS and managed modules shipping with ASP.NET. The big advantages of this model are:
1. You can use standard ASP.NET HTTP …
Kerberos 5, the most secure authentication protocol, is a well-known public standard created by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), and it implements a ticket-based authentication protocol. When is activating Integrated Windows authentication, Windows uses Kerberos automatically under the following circumstances:
– The client and the server are running Windows 2000 or higher.
– An Active …
NTLM authentication, as one of alternatives of Integrated Windows authentication, is integrated into the Windows operating system since it has built-in network support. NTLM authenticates clients through a challenge/response mechanism that is based on a threeway handshake between the client and the server. This authentication works only if the client and the server are running Windows:
Integrated Windows authentication performs authentication without requiring any client interaction and the most convenient authentication standard for WAN-based and LAN-based intranet applications. When IIS asks the client to authenticate itself, the browser sends a token that represents the Windows user account of the current user. If the web server fails to authenticate the user with this …
Digest authentication requires the user to provide account information using a login dialog box that is displayed by the browser (you can see this approach in the article: How does Basic Windows Authentication work in ASP.NET). Digest authentication passes a hash of the password, rather than the password passed by Basic authentication. Digest is another name …
Almost all web browsers support Basic authentication as authentication protocol. The next picture shows the case when a website requests client authentication using Basic authentication and the web browser displays a login dialog box:
A login dialog box for Basic authentication
After a user provides this information, the data is transmitted to the web server (in …
What are the pros and cons of Windows authentication in ASP.NET
Windows authentication is an attractive option for you, for the reasons that:
– It involves little programming work on the developer’s part – You don’t need to create a login page, check a database, or write any custom code, because Windows already supports basic user account features such as password expiry, account lockout, and group …